Want to see a miracle? Try this.

Take a small seed about the size of a speck. Put it under several inches of dirt. Give it enough water, and light. Then get ready. A mountain will be moved.

It doesn’t matter that the ground is thousands of times the weight of the tiny seed. The seed will push back.

Every spring, faithful people around the world plant tiny hopes in the soil. And every spring, their little hopes press against impossible odds and blossom.

Never underestimate the power of a seed.

Matthew 17:20: “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Once you plant the seed, there is not much you can do, maybe you can nurture it with a little water, but you can’t move the dirt for the seed.  You must just have faith that the dirt will move.

Faith is not a matter of bearing down or mustering up more will or applying your own strength.  None of that will cause the seed to grow or the dirt to move.  Faith comes from trusting in God and His strength and His will.

As far as I know, James, the epistle writer and brother of Jesus was not a farmer, but he knew the power of a seed sown in fertile soil. He knew it requires faith and patience.

“…See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. 8 You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.” James 5:7-8

Do you want to see more miracles in your life? Maybe you need to plant more seeds.

Never underestimate the power of a seed.

How good are you at sowing seeds? When you think about your role in God’s church, we should be the main seed planters.

Think for a minute about the people who make up our church. Who needs encouragement? Who needs to be seen or heard? Who needs a thank you? What about the people outside our church?

Want to see a miracle? Try planting a seed like this:
  • Plant a word or kindness about heart deep in someone’s life.
  • Then nurture it with a smile, a hug and a prayer,
  • Watch what happens.

How can you plant more seeds this year?

Never underestimate the power of a seed.
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